We help our clients shape and deliver clear messages to financial analysts, shareholders, the media,
customers, employees, directors, and regulators.
April 2024
Narrative matters when implementing new SEC requirements
In one of its most anticipated rules, the SEC last month adopted a requirement for companies to disclose climate-related risks, completing a process that began two years ago. While the final rule is more narrow than initially proposed, it requires publicly traded companies to disclose comprehensive information regarding their climate-related risks and impacts. As they prepare to implement these new requirements, companies should keep several considerations in mind.
February 2024
Nurturing business leadership in Greece and beyond
Performing at a consistently high level, day in and day out, requires intense focus and regimen. We share our views on nurturing leadership through impactful presentation in the January-February issue of Business Partners, The Magazine of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce. The article, written by Amy Hughlett and Diego Medellin, co-leads of our Executive Presentation Advisory practice, can be found on page 46 in the Business Toolkit section.
August 2023
A company’s editorial style and voice are as important to its brand as its logo, its name, its products and services. Like brand-identity guides, editorial-style guides ensure consistency, support the brand and foster efficiency in the writing of documents. We aim to support the dynamic requests of our client base. Since launching our editorial style guide last summer, we’ve been pleased to receive helpful suggestions from readers, many of which are reflected in our latest edition.
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